WHO Poll

cup of tea 9:18 Thu Nov 18
What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
(Apart from supporting West Ham and being on WHO daily)

For me:

Kidney stones
Literally in agony rolling on the floor sweating until I passed the stone with blood in my piss.

Wisdom teeth
Constant throbbing from impacted infected tooth. Instant relief when pulled (paid private to get it done after weeks of agony and no luck on NHS)

Cluster headache
Sheer agony like your head is expanding and about to explode
....and this morning before work a fucking throbbing abscess on my gum that I'm gonna fucking lance myself and rinse with salt water as getting a dental appt these days is like winning the lottery

Anyway I'm off for a BIG SHIT before I go to work.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

147man 12:05 Tue Nov 23
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Not personally but a bloke I used to work with was affixing nets to goalposts, there were hooks all the way along the Crossbar and all down both goalposts

He climbed up and fixed the net to the crossbar but as he started doing one of the goalposts he slipped and slid down with each hook in turn going into his bollocks

Dr Matt 9:51 Tue Nov 23
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Stubbed toe.


sanfrancis-co-uk 5:26 Tue Nov 23
Re: What is the WORST PAIN you have ever experienced?
Another shout for Gout,fucking cunt of a thing.

Pee Wee 1:24 Sun Nov 21
Re: What is the WORST PAIN you have ever experienced?
A thread of guys that need to man the heck up.

Apart from Stoat. That sucker punched me

bruuuno 12:31 Sun Nov 21
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Broken ribs for me, worse than a dislocated shoulder

Mace66 9:47 Sat Nov 20
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
chim, if she didn’t I think swh’s answer would be different …

UNIHAMMERED 5:29 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
After prostate surgery, being taken off the pain medication too early. This was done early enening and there was no doctor available until the following prepared to prescribe the correct pain medication. Bloody agony all night.

chim chim cha boo 3:11 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Fucking hell South Woodford.

Ouch. Tell me she pulled through please.

southwoodford 2:16 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
The moment I received a call telling me my daughter had been involved in a serious road accident and was fighting for her life

chim chim cha boo 1:55 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Like the silly cunt I am I didn't calibrate my Touono V4R motorcycle after changing the battery and it spat me off at about 30 and I was wearing a pair of jeans.

I looked through the hole in my jeans and could clearly see my knee bone. Horrible.

Still, that blood clot in my bowel was 100% more painful.

Vexed 1:23 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Ripping through my ankle ligaments playing football was a surprisingly painful event. The initial spike of pain lasted a good twenty minutes which was unusual.

Getting a squash ball smashed into my eye at extremely close range was also up there. On the volley off my serve. Silly cunt also tried to claim the point to add insult to injury.

Gary Strodders shank 1:16 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Dislocated kneecap whilst playing cricket when my studs caught in the turf & my full body weight came down on it.
Agony but it actually popped back into place of its own accord as i gradually managed to straighten myself out.

Only problem was it destroyed everything around the patella so any kind of weight or movement sent it out again including when laying on the sofa with it plastered up.
After a week had another much tighter and light plaster put on to stop that happening but when removed 4 weeks later I was unable to bend my leg and required intensive physio.
I still have weakness to this day and have done it partially a couple of times since.
Moat embarrassingly the initial injury was done in the warm up and not even in the game itself.

arsene york-hunt 11:59 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
1st time I dislocated my shoulder.

Gerrard's equaliser at the Millennium.

Mickey Rat 11:45 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Same here Alfs,my mum's still around at 98 and she gets arthritis pain in the same joints as I do. For Virginia the nhs reckon allopurinol is "very safe" for long term use
I'll tell the missus about your ginger recipe 67 as she's gor reynauds disease too.
Cheers chaps and fingers crossed for the Wolves game!

chim chim cha boo 9:32 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
It's surprising that so many of you cite gout as one of the worst pains.

I'll see your gout and raise you systemic Arthritis.

Arthritis is an utter cunt.

jfk 8:51 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Kidney stones and gout, thankfully not at the same time.

Westham67 8:42 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Grated ginger root is better than any over the counter anti inflammatory. Make a jug with tea and 3 grated tea spoons of ginger root and stick it the fridge put some honey of caine sugar and have cup 3 times a day

I have Reynaud's syndrome (white finger) due to the construction and railway work I did when I was on the tools. I have numb finger tips until it gets cold and the damaged nerves feel like they burning

gph 4:18 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
"Does Allopruinol fuck with yer kidneys?"

Only if taken without CUPPING.

VirginiaHam 3:45 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
Alfs 1:59 Fri Nov 19

Does Allopruinol fuck with yer kidneys?

Serious question, which diminishes when I realises I'm asking WHO for medical knowldege.

Capitol Man 3:19 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the WORST PAIN you have ever experienced?

Lato 10:12 Thu Nov 18
Re: What is the WORST PAIN you have ever experienced?

I got one of my rear molars smashed to pieces by a boot at the bottom of a ruck which hurt like fuck when it happened, but apparently they left a bit of it still fused to the bone which a Brazilian dentist in DC decided to take it upon herself to remove instead of sending me to the oral surgeon. She basically had her knee on my chest and was twisting the remnants left and right until it came out.

Stoat - can’t even imagine your pain. So sorry.

Alfs 2:55 Fri Nov 19
Re: What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
That's what she put me on, too, Mickey. I think arthritis is one of those things that is in the family. My mum suffers badly from it, as did my gran.

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